Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Wednesday 19 July 2023


 First job today was a trip to The Snipe retail park and Home Bargains for bird food, my goldfinches won't eat anything but Sunflower heart seeds!.

Can't chance them going elsewhere with their babies, would miss their daily visits.

Whilst there, after stocking up with bird food, went to the buttie wagon for one of their lovely bacon butties and a coffee £4! went down without touching the sides!.

"The guy with the hats here with food" I think the starlings and their babies must recognise me, so I got a handful of seed out of the boot and scattered it on the floor and they turned their beaks up at it!, they only wanted some of my bacon buttie, I usually give them the bacon rind.

Their aren't bothered about the McDonalds problems across the way either.

Look at those clouds, and in my mirror. 

Then it was back on the motorway to Sainsburys for my SmartShop, love it, with my phone and packing straight into my shopping bag, no queuing at the tills for me.

Then as it was a nice sunny day though cloudy decided to nip to the Gorton Ressers, looks bad but it was quite warm and sunny

The two swans on their own now after seeing off their one only youngster, natures cruel!.

Once again the pigeons were there waiting for the bag man!.

I was mugged today, but I didn't mind.

 At least they where well mannered and I came away without a spot of poo on me!.
Then went I got home there was my new friend waiting for his treats, very timid, but now he does allow me to stroke him.

 The other day he even came round the back garden, but think he has realised that's a no no and doesn't get fed with the birds there.

Beautiful cat and don't mind buying some food now Pepe's dog  food as run out.

My new motto is "I pet em and someone else vet's em", as I'm sure he's not a stray!.


Money isn't everything, there's still master card and visa!.

There will always be death and taxes.

 However , death doesn't get worse every year

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