Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Sunday 23 July 2023

Rainy Sunday, 23rd.7.23.

 Though it was heavy rain today I went out to Home Bargains at The Snipe again today, had to get some more bird food as the birds are gobbling it up as fast as I can fill the feeders.

Bought another feeder this week and when it came it was only about 2 inches tall!, then I red the instructions and you have to pull the top up and twist it to lock and that makes it better, phew, I thought it would have to go back!.

Then it was off to meet my friend Jean at the Portland Basin museum and the café there for our lunch, I had a roast ham salad muffin and Jean had ordered a baked potato with tuna salad and when it came there was two potatoes, the owners must have thought the potato's were a bit small, you certainly get your monies worth there and always nice and fresh!.

It was definitely a sitting indoors day today with the heavy rain outside. 

A nice clean setting and even table decorations, those pictures on the wall are by a local artist and can be bought.

After another drink and a pleasant couple of hours chat, Jean went home and I had another walk round the museum and though I had my small camera with me, only used my smart phone as the camera on that is very good, but as with most phones there isn't much of a zoom, but not needed indoors anyway.  

So here is some of the local history, and its quite extensive.

The doctors surgery in the old days, when they were available!, not like today.

The people who shaped Tameside.

The butcher.

Perhaps we need to bring these back hey.

The local haberdashery shop. 

The chippie, look at the prices!!.


The local pub, those women at the bar are real, they weren't that well fed in those days!.

The grocery shop before supermarkets ran them out of business. 

The cycle industry has taken off again, what with, off road, folding and electric bikes these days and people back on them with the price of fuel these days. 

Some of the local industries.

The local bigwig.

Local community events.

It was surprising the number of families in there today, but where else is there to go in this weather without it costing a small fortune.
So if you need somewhere to go over the school holidays this is the place in bad weather and its free!, not the café of course!.
You might learn something yourself too.
So a good though wet day!, not stopped all day!.


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