Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Sunday At Portland Basin Museum, 25.6.23.

 Sunday saw me off to Portland Basin Museum again, mainly for lunch, only a light one as it was still quite warm and humid.

A one shot latte whilst waiting, it doesn't bother me waiting for my meal as it gives me time to check my crosswords on the phone, its not that I'm going anywhere is it!.

Can't understand people who go out for a meal and then get all worked up waiting for the meal if it's too long coming.
My roast ham sandwich was very nice and fresh and a reasonable price. 

This nice coach turned up, must have been one of it's day trips, the people went on the boat trip up the canal and then into the café, but the staff there coped very well. 

The view from the outdoor seating, I think that's St Mark's church in the distance.

There is a river under that bridge, and whist having my meal watched as two Community bobbies came and then radioed for assistance as there was a man in the river!, two vans came with another four bobbies and they were still there two hours later.
turned out the man was a mental case and was paddling in the river which is about six inches deep!.
There was a chap Magnet fishing on that other bank too, seemed quite successful from the stuff he was putting in his bag!, he was gone before I could chat too him about his catch.
Magnet fishing is a large powerful magnet on the end of a rope which one throws into water and out comes all manner of things, check it out on Youtube!.
Get them on Amazon if you fancy it.

Then it was a leisurely stroll round the marina with the camera.  
Are these saveable one might ask, still it keeps the volunteers happy with something to do and somewhere to go instead of mopping at home on their own.

Big water wheel.

One of the sculptures made out of all sorts of junk, makes you smile though.

Not a Banksy is it.

Some of the magnet fisherman's catch that wouldn't fit in his bag, a shovel, a crowbar and a bike

Nice Narra boats.

Butter making, yesteryear.

This is one for my mate Bob, as I know he made a ride on steam train years ago.

So another pleasant day out, though still muggy. 


You know your getting old 

When the names in your little black book are mostly doctors!.

You have a party and the neighbours don't even notice.

Your ears are hairier than your head.

You and your teeth no longer sleep together.

When the candles cost more than the cake.


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