Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Friday 16 June 2023

Wednesday, 14.6.23.

 Today 16.6.23.

Just popped out to see if there was any news of the Great Crested Grebes at the Gorton Lower reservoir, didn't see them but there were plenty of Goslings about in various stages of development. 

There was plenty of activity on the lake from the sailing school, perhaps that's why not many birds hey.

Gave all the goslings a good feed, get's them though the first few weeks.

Off to Sainsburys then for an all day breakfast, the two sausages were wrapped up and brought home for the neighbourhood cats!

Wednesday 14.6.23 I went to Reddish Vale again and after reading a post attached to my picture of a squirrel eating an apple, someone had remarked that they liked Bourbon biscuits too!.
So armed with a half packet of Bourbons I was off to the top mill pond and was leaning on a fence eating one of said biscuits when straight away there was a Mother Squirrel and two youngster's at my feet!.
She took a biscuit out of my hand  

She wasn't sharing it with the youngsters either!

I'm not sure if too many of them are good for them so the next thing was a monkey nut, she wasn't going to bury that with all the magpies about watching, so ate that there and then.

Plenty of baby mallards about too.

They will have to stay away from this guy!.

Had a nice chat and a drink in the info centre with two lady friend's I've met over the years.
Took the centre a few Jigsaws and DVD's too, helps swell the coffers. 

So again very hot, so it was off to Morrison's for dinner.

At Morrison's the lady at the Café counter said "What no fish and chips today!", "I couldn't eat it all yesterday, so today it's just a bacon buttie please!".

This is what I got!, five rashers of bacon for £2.99., just managed that, the fatty bits I brought home for the cats.
 The only down side was I didn't get my 600 More points for spending £6!, still you can't have everything can you.

Meanwhile back home my shrubs are doing well, 
plenty of flowers on so should have plenty of berries in the winter for the birds.
Red berries on the left and yellow on the right.

Clematis doing well too with plenty of flowers.

So another good day!, got to come to an end soon, we aren't used to this good weather are we.
Newspaper headlines.

Kids make nutritious snacks.

Hospitals sued by seven foot doctors. 

Is there a ring of debris around Uranus.

Prostitutes appeal to Pope.

Red tape holding up new bridge.

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