Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Friday 31 May 2024

Last Day of May, 31.5.2024.

 Today nice sunny day, but still quite cool so it was off down Reddish Vale Park and first thing noticeable was the Lady Sarah was back in business after her problems a few weeks ago when her two vehicles were vandalised.

Lovely lady!, open Friday, Saturday and Sunday's whilst the info centre is closed.  

Couple of dog walking vans there too, seem quite popular these days after people got dogs during the pandemic , after they went back to work suppose the dogs alone at home get bored and get up to mischief, so these walking guys are cheaper than replacing furniture hey!. 
Then it was round the lower mill pond, where there was a swan stranger on the nest and the two resident swans back together after the female had been away to the vets, now healthy again.

There were these cute little mandarin ducklings with their mum.

She had 9 with her, but they have a creche system the same as the Canada geese.

Proud mum seeing all the bigger mallards off.

There were 4 Canadian goose chicks too.

It's a big world out there,

Round at the top mill pond there were these baby Coots.

Mum will have to keep her eye on this Heron.

Crow after Peanuts.

This is how you get into them.

Squirrels love them too.

Always plenty of robins about.

There's always someone trying to get into the picture!

Then it was off to Morrison's for lunch after a chat and a coffee with lady Sarah at her van.
Packed out at Morrison's, free meals for kids and free refills, they will sit there all day, full paying customers can't get a seat!.

Back home re-potted the small plant mentioned in a previous post after getting some more house plant compost.

That's a lot better isn't it.

Bought a new clock for my hobby room, it does the bird sound on the hour, But at the moment the sounds are wrong for each bird, will have to look into that, no instructions (Chinese what can you expect!).

So there you have it, another nice day down the vale.

What did the idiot do to the flea in his ear?
He shot it!.

Why do bees hum?.
because they don't know the words!

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