Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Thursday 9 May 2024

Wednesday/Thursday, 8-9.5.2024.

 Yesterday I had to get up early as the gas man was coming to install new smart meters, but when he got here couldn't do the job as the electric board fuses were too old!, so they have to get the electric board to update them and then they will come back to do the job!.

So after they left I went over to the Debdale ressers to see the babies!.

These were just near the sailing centre.

These were further along the lake.

Dad was seeing off the other geese but didn't seem too bothered with me there, but after a while they moved off'.

Perhaps seen this guy sat there eyeing them up.

The Baby Coots were doing well and swimming about on their own but in the undergrowth.

There were another couple of  Grebes swimming and diving about on the lake.

The Great Crested Grebe babies I've been following are still doing well and still trying to get a lift of Mum but she isn't having any of it!.

Dad still doing well and supplying them all with plenty of fish.

Pair of Tufted Ducks.

There were only 4 young swans today, there were 7 the day before, the resident Male swan must have sent the others off.

So it didn't turn out to be such a bad day after all.
So it was off to The Windmill for Lunch, a carvery.

Today Thursday it was off to the Notcutts Garden Centre to get a peace plant as someone on TV said one of those in the house prevented Hayfever, will it work?, well I got one and potted it up into a bigger pot to fit into my jardinière in the bedroom, will keep you informed on the result!.

  Got another plant for in the living room , this one is a Calathea, 
spent a hour this afternoon repotting them into pots that would fit the jardinière's in both rooms.
Hopefully they will both survive in the positions I've put them in.

Then it was off to Portland basin to the Bridge View Café there, where we are counted as regulars now, but on arrival it was all shut up and the woman on the counter at the museum said she didn't know why but they would be open again on Saturday. 
So it was out with the phone and texted the gang and one wasn't coming anyway and the the other suggested the Windmill!, which we both like so it was a jump onto the motorway again back to Denton and the Windmill.
I know its the same picture as yesterday but I always have the same anyway, quite boring you may think hey.

Finished another jigsaw today too, another 1,000 one, as you might see there was a piece missing, but what can you expect from a charity shop at only £1, always makes it more interesting looking for that piece and not realising until the end that it's missing.
Doesn't happen too often luckily.

Reddish Vale Park tomorrow, God willing!.

What was the Scottish dentist's name/,
Phil McCavity!.

What goes Mark, Mark, Mark,?
A dog with a hare lip!.

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