Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Bank Holiday weekend, 27.5.2024.

 Bank Holiday Monday, I'd forgot it was a bank holiday, let's face it every day is a holiday when you're retired.

So I got an invite to go to the Kingfisher where my Son and daughter-in- law had booked for us, it wasn't that busy, there again we were early at 5 o'clock, or it may be the prices these days hey.

This is the lunch time menu.

On Tuesday the gang and I went to Morrison's  for a change from Pear Mill, we were going to get Fish and Chips there but they had a new menu last week and I saw a muffin with two chicken breasts on so I had that, thinking it would be better than fish and chips which aren't very good for you without a gall bladder!. It turned out very tasty and I had to bring half home as I couldn't eat it all there.

Today I went to Reddish Vale Park, there was a lot of work being done at the gate area to the Lower Mill pond but you could still get round.

Squirrel Nutkin with a bourbon biscuit.

Nuthatch, they are very quick, hence a not very good picture

Robin in full plumage.

Juvenile Robin, did you think they were born with a red breast.

Perhaps it's  camouflage whilst they are young. 

Nice young Blue tit.

Roland Rat, it's said you are never more than 6 feet from a rat in this country!.

This is me with the pigeon with the twisted beak eating out of my hand, follows me round the park.

The it was off to Morrison's to see if they had the same hot chicken sandwich's as I thought again more healthy.

The place was crowded with mothers and their kids, kids eat free there, trouble is there's no seating left for the paying customers.

I eventually found a table for four and invited a couple to sit with me as they were looking for a seat as well.

After a long wait (3/4 of an hour) that usually doesn't bother me the young chap who took my order came to me and said that's no chicken sandwiches left, but you can chose anything on the menu at the same price for your wait and it will be next to be cooked, so I said my usual Mini Fish and Chips.

Carried on talking to my table companions and it turned out they were only married two year after their other halves had died.

He was a retired Chef and she was a tired social worker, not been retired as long as me though!.

My meal came and the young chap said "We've given you a large one!", Bang goes the healthy option hey, I just ate the fish and pea's. 

The place was very noisy with all the kids running about, the mothers chatting whilst the kids were in the children's area (next to my table) so the fact that kids eat free means paying customers have to wait and be deafened whilst waiting, good job my hearing aids have a screaming kids shut off option. Roll on the kids back at school, who would be a teacher these days.

Gripe over!!.

Finished another jigsaw this week so will take it to Bridge View café tomorrow, if you call in the Jigsaws and books are all free, can't get better FREE can you!.  

If it's good enough for Princess Anne it's good enough for me at the bridge view café.


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