Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Wednesday, 1.5.2024

 Today it was off to Reddish Vale Country Park, been a week since my last visit as I stay away at weekends as it's too busy.  I was told today by Daryl who used to be the warden there that they had tried to contact me to go down last Sunday as it was the last day that the volunteers were manning the info centre, it was nice to be thought off and sorry I missed the event.

Daryl said today that no other provision's made yet to solve the situation, but that there would be a coffee van in attendance for the foreseeable future, so that will be good.

The first stop today was the area just outside the gates to the butterfly field.

A woodpigeon.

Squirrel Nutkins.

Slim Robin.

Shy Nuthatch.

Female Chaffinch
A nice colourful Male Chaffinch.   

Then it was though the gate and round to Sunnyside Pond, still no takers for the duck house, the Coot there had a nest on the other side of the pond with a couple of youngsters.

Soon got to that size!.

Then off to the back of the pond to check if there were any Bullfinches about, and I was lucky as there were quite a few there and soon came out when I seeded the feeders.
A couple of males.


There were plenty of male Mandarin ducks about.

 These in the trees, looks like the one in the foreground is the one I mentioned in the last post that was on the change.

After a walk round the butterfly field, (just for the exercise!), I got some more seed from the car and  good job I carry it as the Info Centre usually sell it, so that's another loss for the birds.
On the lower mill pond the resident swans looks to have moved their nest to the small island just has you go though the gate.

The terrapins were out sunning themselves.

This bigger one on the far side of the top mill pond.

High in the trees this Heron as well.

Save some for me Mr Crow.

You Chaffinches don't eat Bourbon Biscuits.

"Jimmy Crow saved me some seed" says this female Chaffinch.

So after pointing out the heron and terrapins to a couple of Asian families and showing them the pictures on my camera as they couldn't see them as they were too far away, it was back to the car and off to Morrison's for a drink and something to eat, No! not fish & chips today, it was a bacon muffin or as some might say a bacon buttie!.

Came home and did a small jigsaw, done this one before but it was only a £1 and I can pass it on with another one to the Bridge View café tomorrow.
What's in the box, the puzzle and a pen with rubber for the Sudo- cube, but I did the puzzle printed snapped it, printed it off and did the puzzle that way to save it for the next person

So another good day, long walk so should sleep well tonight, the night before wasn't too good after the Covid jab, kept turning over on that arm!.


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