Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Start of June, 3-4.6.2024.

 Monday went to Reddish Vale Park and it was sunny but still on the cool side.

Plenty of babies about., Canadian geese here.

Coots on the top mill pond.

 There was only two terrapins out so they didn't think it was too warm either. 

The mandarins were looking quite pale, perhaps it was the light!.

Beaky was there to greet me too, if I don't get the seed out of my bag quick enough he dives in!.
Took the inner quilted lining out of my Camo coat but after a while wished I hadn't.

This squirrel munching on a fat ball.

Didn't want a strawberry I was prepared to share with it. 

A rook, sturdier build than a crow.

The Lady Sarah wasn't at the park on the day, but I read on Facebook that she had noticed that there was nowhere for the mums and kids to buy bird food now with the info centre closed, so she is going to sell it and give the money to the park funds, what a lovely lady thinking of that.

 Today Tuesday the gang decided we would have a change from Pear Mil Café and we went to Vernon/ Woodbank Park to see what it was like, I vaguely remember seeing the café before but never been it.

Set off early from home not knowing how long it would take to find the car park and as usually happens every traffic light was on green for me so got there too early!, so got the camera out and had a short walk round the park nearest the café.

Saw this carved tree, 

But the rot seems to be taking over 

War memorial tribute round the other side.

Signage so I can study it at my leisure

Then it was time for the café.

Café entrance.

A nice variable menu, it's the same people who run the café at Etherow country park by the way.

 Peter and I had the bacon and egg on a barm, Jean had just come from the dentist so only had a coffee!.

I had a look round the shop too.

Think all café's are getting the message now about dogs, they are cleaner than the kids.

Was quite busy when I got there but within half an hour the breakfast crowd had disappeared and there was plenty of tables available.
Was very nice inside and it was a nice change of venue so made it better still for me.

Front entrance.

Jean even found an entrance to the park that will see her parked at the front door near enough!, so that was a plus for her!.

So it was a good day even though it was drizzling all the time we were there but it doesn't matter as long as your in good company does it!.



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