Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Second weekend in June, 7-9.6.2024.

 It's been not to bad this weekend, though it's still not too warm yet, I'll be glad when the voting's over, you get fed up with the same old speel day after day don't you!.

Friday I went down to Reddish Vale park, didn't rain but I was sorry I'd put on a lighter coat, but they do say Don't cast a clout till May is out, but that's long gone.

This terrapin looks a crusty old one, bit older than the other one.

Plenty of squirrels about.

A young Nuthatch.

A Rook.

A young Coot with Mum.

A few more of the brood.

Some more terrapins in the weak sunshine.

The male Mandarin ducks are starting to lose their bright breeding colours now, but will still retain their brighter beak, so when people say where's the colourful Mandarins they are there but you can only tell by their brighter beaks.

The female having a well earned rest after feeding and looking after the family, they can have up to 14 youngsters. 

Plenty of Canadian geese youngster's about of various sizes.

A Great Tit with some fat ball.

Had a chat and a drink with the lovely Lady Sarah at the Coffee Dream Machine,

 and then it was off to Morrison's for lunch, a chicken breast barm with a jug of gravy, very tasty too.

Free refill's on drinks there too.

Finished this jigsaw so I could take it to the Bridge on Saturday.

Saturday it was off to the Bridge View café  at Portland Basin to met friends and found out they are open on Tuesday's during the school holidays which is good news for us as it's our favourite watering hole. we had tried out Vernon park Café for Tuesday's but The Bridge is better for us!.

Went to the charity shop and got 5 jigsaws for £5!

Sunday it was off to Home Bargains for bird food and as usual because its cheap came out having spent a fortune, but at least got a lot for my money.

After a bacon buttie at the O'Neal's buttie wagon it was over to the Ashton Moss nature reserve to see where the swans were but was unlucky there as they were no where to be seen, probably gone walkabout as usual.

As soon as I got there these checky devils sat on my bonnet, if the windows were open they would have been in I'm sure.

The resident Muscovy duck was there 

As were these fancy ducks.

Put a fat ball out and sure enough within minutes there were the jackdaws, I do get them in m garden too now perhaps followed me home!.

So then it was off home to get warm and feed Alfie and fill the bird feeders.

I'm glad to say that the goldfinches have brought their babies out again this year.

And here are the babies, feed me, feed me.

Oh well, I'll get it myself.

They seem a bit bigger before appearing this year, there again I've not been getting up as early this year, perhaps missing them earlier in the morning.

So this it the fourth year I've had the babies here, feel very privileged to have them here!.
Baby sparrows too.

So it's been a good weekend for me,  my Son and his youngest daughter had a dad and daughter night out at the Taylor Swift concert in Edinburgh  and she was on FaceBook dancing to the music!.



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