Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Thursday 21 September 2023

Thursday, 21.9.23.

 Its not been a very nice week this week up to now, it's rained every day so no need to worry about your plants Val!.

I went to Pear Mill Café today to meet my friend Peter, yes another Peter!, had on my new shirt from the charity shop, the owner of the café even remarked on it, but wasn't too pleased when I'd shown her the price, £2.50!, would have been £20.50 there!. 

We had a good chat on our own as our friend Jean's car was in Intensive care and not going to recover!, so it's a bit of a shock when that happens isn't it.

It started out a nice day, so on the way home I called at the Gorton Lower Resser's to see if anything interesting for you.

That's all gone now Duckie, any more seed, we can't cope with monkey nuts.

Look at the size of the feet on this Moorhen.

You eat the seed and I'll keep my beady eyes on this shady guy in the hat!.

 Great Crested Grebe. 

The resident pair of swans in fine form.

Was only there half an hour and you've guessed it the rain came again!.

So called at Asda on the way home and then it was home for some washing, at least the rain keeps one in for some housework.

Back home it was a nice dinner for Alfie, with grape and apple in the menu today, too much fruit isn't good for them though it seems.

His table manners aren't very good as you can see.

He does like a slice of apple as you can see, he also likes grapes  and I do too now, and finish the tray off before they go off, so he's helping me to eat more healthily.

Finished another jig saw today, only a 500 piece one this, it's back off to the charity shop tomorrow.

So another wet day but good for the garden Chris.


A chap walks into a butchers shop and says "Have you got a  sheep's head" 

The butcher replied "No it's just the way I brush my hair!".


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