Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Monday 30 January 2023

The past week, 27th-30th January.2023.

 The past week hasn't been very exciting, the weather has still been rather cold, but at least we have Pear Mill Café to go to and meet friends.

On Sunday I went to McDonalds drive thru for lunch and afterwards though it was drizzling, had a stroll on to the ressers with my bag of seed and monkey nuts.

Seems I wasn't on my own with that idea, has there were a few other families there with the kids feeding the ducks and swans.

Dad and Mum with junior.

Mum and Dad.
Guess which is which, I'm not saying anything about the one with the mouth open!

Couple of Cormorants in classic pose.

Noticed a new piece of equipment at the reesers, what is it you ask?.

Hopefully it won't be vandalised, as it could save someone's life. 

Cheeky Squirrel, enjoying the nuts. 

At Pear Mill on Saturday I found the lamp shade I'd been looking for since I'd changed my Florescent fitting in the box room (Workshop).

I'd had a bare new light fitting for a few weeks and most of the shades I'd seen at the Mill had been cloth and about £40+!.

There on Saturday was a nice glass shade and reduced from £8 down to £4, which I guess was because it had a large opening that would be too large for the bulb holder, I soon sorted that out with layers of Plasticard left over from my boat modelling days and made a fitting that was missing, I do love a bargain!.

Looks a bit more decorative but doesn't cut out much light for my Jig sawing or modelling.

Today at Lydl's I got another plant for my hall stand, bought from Pear Mill a while back, but the trailing ivy I'd put in it didn't survive, not light enough possibly, so will try this one!.  

So not a bad week considering the weather, and by the way apart from a bit of Catarrh I'm back to full health, well as far as you can be at my age!!


Harry got very excited after finishing a Jigsaw in only 6 months?,   on the box it said "From two to four years".

A man swallowed all the tiles from a Scrabble set.

The doctors said the problem would eventually work itself out , but not in so many words.

His wife made him join a bridge club.

He jumps off next Tuesday.


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