Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Monday 9 August 2021

Quiet Sunday indoors, 8.8.21.

Quiet Sunday indoors, 8.8.21. 

Due to the rain and the fact that also means there are lots of people in the parks, I decided to stay in and finish off the painting in the kitchen.

The bottom cupboards done and also the cubby hole where the coffee jar is there. 

Turned to wash out my brush and realised there is another two cupboards on the other side of the room, which means I either leave them or have to get some more paint??, that takes some thinking about!.

Looking at the handles, well there are Knives, forks and spoons, Wivey liked them and now I can't find others with the same screw centres, so I'm leaving them, just give them a clean when I re-varnish the doors, Yes I've still got 17 doors and drawers to varnish yet, have you heard that Saying "If it's not broke don't mend it"

Makes one wonder doesn't it!.

My Wax plant on the kitchen windowsill ( a Hoya Plant) is doing well and sprouting bunches of flowers again and I must have had it about five years now, was a real bargain at the time £5 and in a fancy pot, with an owls face on the front.

It's also just in gravel, No soil so just need to keep the gravel wet.

Between coats of paint in the kitchen, finished off another Jigsaw puzzle!.

Good job I've got a good stack of them from the charity shop or it would be costing me a fortune even on Amazon!.

They all go back to the charity shop again so everyone's a winner hey.


A celebrity is someone who spends the first half of their life trying to become famous, and the second wearing sunglasses so no one will recognise them

Yesterday I saw a man trying to chat up a cheetah;

"Hello" I thought "He's trying to pull a fast one"


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