Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Monday 12 August 2024

Been a while, 12.8.2024.

 Been a while since I last posted on my blog so thought I'd better get you up to date with my coming and goings.

Been to the Bridge view café a few times since last post, in fact the last time we went in the week, my Daughter in law, grand daughter with her hubby and son came, so we had a good chat.

 The last time we went on Saturday, Peter didn't come so Jean and I had a game of chess for a change, ( I'd bought a traveling chess set on Amazon) so it was a nice change for us.

Always something passing though.

My son has been down and assisted me fixing the front gate, he used some new (to me) bolts that screw straight into the brickwork so really strong, though it was still too short as the adjustment on the right there was in danger of breaking with too much pressure so he had to add a small section too.

I had no grommets so it was out with the modelling plasticard and super glue to cover the holes in the post.  

All painted up.

Then I found a bigger piece of wood to replace the small bit.

Then all painted up and the job was finished!, taken a few weeks but been worth the wait hasn't it. 

My front garden is looking quite nice now and the Buddleia in the middle is growing well and even has buds on it and I can see the purple and white flowers showing though, think there is Pink to show as well soon!. 

  The Fuchsias and geraniums are looking good too.

I bought a monkey puzzle tree for the back garden, they are slow growing so I wasn't too bothered about a small one, this is what was advertised.

This is what came from the garden centre via Amazon,  wanted a small one but not that small!, still it was well packed, alive and healthy, it will look alright in a few years, remember my Sister had a very large one in her front garden about 30ft, when she lived in Beeston, Nottingham!. 

My mate and next door neighbour had to take a large conifer down so I was on the other end of a rope guiding the top bit has it had to be done in two halves has it was so tall.

Filled a few green wheelie bins that did.

Indoors, I'd bought a jigsaw (Chinese) from Amazon to go with my other clown things, (Glass and cross stitch) in the house.

It was a good job it was a Chinese one has with all those colours it was very hard, but Chinese jigsaws have letters on the back so was able to finish it in about three weeks!. 


I then put it in a frame to keep, that was another hard thing to do as it was slightly larger than the frame so needed to be cut to size, not as easy as it sounds cutting thick cardboard without damaging the picture!.


Added to my birds the past few weeks as well, this Wren and Woodpecker has they are on my bucket list in photograghy!.

Finished another small jigsaw this week too, only 500 pieces this one, pity there was a piece missing but you have to expect that now and then from the charity shop.

Fitted a trip to Reddish Vale once or twice but that many kids about, No birds!.

Think this terrapin is too big for you to swallow Mr heron.

What a whopper!.

The last time at Morrison's for a Mini fish and chips this is what I got!, what's a standard one like!!! if this is a Mini one.

It was lovely though!.

So there you have it, up to date and I don't feel guilty any more!.



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