Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Friday 16 August 2024

Nice day down the Vale, 16.8.2024.

It was a nice day down the Vale today with not too many kids in the park, perhaps all dashing down to the sea like Lemmings!.
First it was a visit to the Coffee Dream Machine to see the Lady Sarah and get a drink.
She said her daughter had got some good exam results, enough to get her into university which is a good thing in one respect But!, a parents worry in there to!. 

Another visitor to the café was this little cutie, reminded me of my departed Pepe though!.

Been some new signage put up in the park recently.

The info centre is still looking nice with a new bench and flower tubs in front of it, though not in operation at the present time.

There were still plenty of Cormorants in and around the park in various stages of drying out or preening.

Under arm deodorant needed for this youngster?.

A nice Heron on the lower mill pond.

Managed to capture this male kingfisher today in the same place that the young lady Emily saw it earlier in the week.

Was quite active fishing for his dinner.

Made my day, yes it doesn't take much theses days!.

A bit of  greenery for you don't ask me what it is, but nice and colourful at the side of the path. 

Unusual coloured pigeon, they are very attentive these days, what with the information centre closed for bird seed, though the lady Sarah at the Coffee dream machine is selling it and the money collected going to the upkeep of the park.

I must say the volunteers are doing a fantastic job keeping the park looking its best, I try to help out by carrying my secateurs with me and trim off any branches sticking out on to the pathways, it's not much but every little helps as they say!.
Today's visit to Morrisons for dinner was ok, though the available  tables were scarce with the kids that I'd thought earlier had fled to the coast being sat in the café there on free meals and free refills for the mums. Where are all the starving kids the media keeps telling us there are in this country, can't be that starving as most of the free meals ends up on the floor!. 
This was my Mini Fish and Chips today, just enough for me!.

Finished another jigsaw today and got a couple more from the charity shop on the way home. 

This one going to the Bridge view café tomorrow where they are on display to take one home free if you go there for a meal.

This is my next jigsaw looks a bit of a challenge




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