Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Monday 1 July 2024

Last week of June 2024.

 Been a nice week for the last of June, the weather has been very nice, but today Monday 1st July it's been heavy rain again, so it seems that Summer is over already!.

Monday ,Had a day out with my mate and next door neighbour Chris the Singer, we went round looking for suitable venue's for him to sing as he does at Pear Mill and portland basin Bridge View café has a means of getting him known and hopefully some paid gigs!.

We went to Daisy Nook garden centre where I'd made enquiries in the past, but he wasn't keen there so, after a bacon buttie and drink it was over to Daisy Nook country park café where I'd been regularly in the past has they had a dog friendly site. But on entering was amazed to seen that they had even more items on the ceiling, walls and the centre of the floor that I couldn't believe it was the same sized place, but it must be as the walls hadn't moved.

This kind of thing everywhere.

At least they still had the narrow boat I'd built and sold them, over the photos of the past history of the canals.

In my humble opinion it was all too much and claustrophobic, still can't get my head round how a room can look so small yet be the same as we used to go to on a regular basis.

Then it was back down to Nottcutts Garden centre near the Snipe Retail park, after a look around we went into the café, but seeing the menu we were glad we'd eaten earlier, Fish and Chips there were £13.95!, we bought a couple of nice looking cool drinks as it was still Summer heat.

Marginally cheaper than coffee, but very nice and refreshing

Tuesday our gang went to Vernon Park and there also turned up another couple of friends so it was a nice meet. I'm not surprised its dog friendly with these priced for doggy treats, mind you there is plenty of variety for them. Where are the days when we were really poor and the dogs were fed the scraps and left overs after our meal!. 

Nice food for the humans though!, their chips are to die for!.
Plenty of nice walks there too.

Thursday and Saturday saw us back at our favourite Bridge View café, where Chis sings on the day.

Sauturday these tables were laid out for a birthday party on the Sunday, ( someone was 90 years old) certainly do a nice table if you are thinking of having a party anytime soon. 

Sunday saw me at Morrison's for one of their Sunday roast dinners, look at that lot, a bit over facing for me, but after I'd got rid of the Colliflower cheese, Yorkshire pudding and savoury balls it looked a lot more manageable!. £8 and as many drink refills as you want.

I've been out in the front garden getting rid of a Forrest Flame plant that's been there for years and it's left a large hole which I was letting the air and rain get too as it was dry as a bone under the old root ball, I think my daily cats that come for their treats very day thought " what a nice chap, made us a toilet now) so I've got some compost today to fill in and then plant my new Buddleia plant I got from Amazon with mixed feeling as I've never ordered live plants before, but needn't have worried as it was well packed and alive.

Hopefully it will look like this eventually.

Today was a sad day as it was a funeral of a friend at Dukinfield crem, then a ride over to Hyde chapel for a service and nice meal and chat afterwards.

Stopped at Morrison's on the way as I was early, had a bacon buttie and drink, Drink and meal deal £4.

Then found the Crem and had a nice service and then set off back to find Hyde, after a tour round Stalybridge and Dukinfield, saw somewhere I knew, Ah yes know this, its Dukinfield Crem!! what a plonker back where I'd started. then it was back the way I'd come and then turned off for Hyde, only missed the first opening hymn!.

The pigeons have been eating everything in the feeders so though I'd had a good idea 

Cut off the large ring, it didn't work but doe's slow them down, back to the drawing board on that one!. 

Saw this on FaceBook this week that a friend at Reddish Vale had posted and thought it was a good idea and worth reposting here.

So it's not been a bad end of month except for today, there again I was able to spend a few hours with my lovely Daughter-in-Law and chat with people I'd not seen for a while so not all bad really.



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