Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Busy week

Been a busy week helping John with his 1.1 modelling (job) but managed to get the under supports for the deck on the boat fitted and fixed in.
Frame work made up

Fitted into deck.

Glued in 

The finished item.
Thought I'd better make a start on the deck as it's time to fix the motor in and then it's the job of fixing the deck down.
It was the photo comp at the club last week and I entered what I thought was a different picture for the model boat scene, as it was a bit wishy washy I didn't think it would get anywhere, but thought I would make the number up, I don't think some of the people noticed the heron!.

Then when I showed it to Bob (the Snapper) Abell he said send me the picture on an e-mail, and this is the picture after he'd worked his magic on it

 The wonders of Photoshop hey!.

Get my new IPhone 4 to-day , after John ordered it, it's all singing and dancing and the only thing it doesn't do unfortunately is cook, but I suppose there is a cookery program on there somewhere!.

Yesterday went Eddie Stobart spotting to their depot at Warrington, only half an hour run, and spotted 83 trucks but after discounting the spots al-ready got, finished up with 51 new ones and loads of pictures to load onto their website!, all very nice people and the truckers even slow down going out if they see you with a camera.
After that it was a quick nip over to the lake to see who was there and had a chat with Charlie about his new scratchbuilt boat, nice but too heavy for the motor in it I thought, but what do I know! I'm a kit builder myself!.
Well that's it for now folks.
Forgive me Father, I have an obsession about stealing wood from where I work, I have suffered with this problem for years, What shall I do?
"That's al-right my son" said the priest, "But because this sin has been going on for so long I must ask you to make a novena"
"If you've got the plans father, I've got the timber"!
Boom Boom

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog, Duckie
    Full of interest for the casual reader

