Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Monday 24 June 2024

That's June nearly gone,20-24.6.2024.

 The weather has now taken a turn for the better and not before time as it's nearly the end of June.

We were at our favourite watering hole on Thursday (Bridge View Café) 

Always boats passing though.

 The dogs seem to love it as much as the people .

Plenty of young Canada geese about, one proud mum even brought her babies into the café garden area to show us.

Friday I went down to Reddish Vale and as it was a nice day stayed longer than usual, had a nice chat with a young lady called Emily Dixon and gave her one of my home made hot shoe covers.

Then we saw this heron in the bushes, not a good shot but at least he showed us where the Kingfisher was

Its got something to eat there.

Not a good shot.

Then Mr King obliged us and posed on this stump

On the lower mill pond there were these little cuties

Plenty of Canadian Geese babies about.

 Plenty of young Mandarins about too.

Holding their own with the pigeons.

The terrapins were out in force, getting some rays!.

These two huge ones were on the top mill pond, in size they are bigger than a dinner plate, must be quite a few years old by now.

Young Nuthatch enjoying the seed.

Young Moorhen.

This Male Mandarin hiding, perhaps embarrassed without his colourful feathers!, at least still got his colourful beak.  

The Lady Sarah doing her bit for the park, as well as dispensing nice coffee and snacks.

More days for us at Reddish Vale Sarah.
Meanwhile back home the Young Goldfinches are all doing well.

Had to stay in today  Monday as the gas man was coming to service my boiler, nice pleasant young man, I cant fault Brit Gas, there will be others who will say different, which just goes to show "You can't please everyone".

They changed my Carbon alarm as mine was years old and it says on it only good for 7 years, so replaced mine with a more modern one that's good for 10 years, do I need one that good at my age though!!😂😂


Why do we us the word "Politics" to describe the process of government?.

"Poli" in Latin meaning "many" and "Tics" meaning Bloodsucking creatures.


Why did the Israelis stay out of the Gulf war?,

Because the last time they spoke to a Bush they spent 40 years wandering in the desert!.


What's the difference between the government and the mafia?.

One of them is organised!.  


Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wednesday, 12.6.2024.

 Yesterday I saw on Facebook that the Heart_murals guy was finishing off some of his previous works of art and texted him to say what about ours at Debdale Sailing Centre, and then he came up on FaceBook again to say he'd finished the Debdale one and had thoughts on it and came up with a solution he liked better.

So unlike Jack Reacher with no plan B, he came up with a beautiful plan "B".

Here it is and think you will like it as much as I, the big swan in the foreground has gone and in it's place this beautiful Kingfisher.

I've not seen a kingfisher at Debdale, but that's not to say they aren't there some where, think it's called poetic licence isn't it!.
   I was trying to get a picture of myself with the kingfisher with my phone.
 Then this black guy came up and said " I'll take one for you with your phone", he was as old as me, so thought he's not going to run off with my phone or if he does I could catch him!.

But all was well and we had a nice chat afterwards and it turned out I was 11 years older than him!.

Not a bad picture too hey.

Went on to the ressers then with my big camera, the ducks/pigeons there were starving too, but they always seem to be don't they. 

Weather still overcast.

The Canadian geese creche with various sizes.

Noticed this coot on a nest in the strangest place.

It's mate has brought it some stranger things for the nest too.

Coot with grown up baby.

Mallard with baby.

School kids enjoying themselves, what was all the fuss about the two years they lost over the Covid pandemic!. 

Then it was off to Sainsburys for an all day breakfast, the paper package is two sausages for my friendly cats back home, can't eat them as well as all that, an extra hash brown instead of mushrooms, all for £5.45. can't be bad not worth cooking yourself, and no washing up!. 

A man walks into a army surplus store and asks "Do you have any Camouflage jackets", " yes we do" replied the shop assistant, "But we can't find them".


Harry knew he could always count on his wife,

She always wore beads!.


Monday, 10.6.2024.

Monday I went down Reddish Vale, it was dry but I wasn't too warm, wished I hadn't taken the inner padded lining out of my Camo coat!.

This young Canadian goose running up to greet me? or is it just the bag of food I'm carrying?.

Yes it was the food!, with the info centre closed now there's no food for the birds, The Lady Sarah selling it now but only here on Friday and some weekends.

A male Mandarin not changed colour yet.

This one well on the way to looking like a female but still got his bright beak.

Plenty of babies about, these coots on the top mill pond.

A mallard with it's mum.

Watched this coot struggling to break this big twig off a bush, must be after some brownie points off his mate.

This proud Mandarin mum watching over her brood.
I was told that they have Creche's like the Canadian geese

Feeding off my boot.

Counted nine in all.

Beaky the pigeon with a twisted beak that rides round the lake on my hand couldn't wait whilst I fed the other birds and helped itself!.

Got to be a squirrel somewhere.

So then it was off to Morrisons for lunch.

Came home and finished another jigsaw.

Tuesday me and the gang went to Vernon Park café again, it was better this time as it wasn't too full of kids off school.
I had a nice bacon and egg barm and ordered a bowl of chips for the middle of the table so we could all try them as our friend Chris the singer had recommended them and he wasn't wrong, we all enjoyed them and will be having them again I'm sure. 

