Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Good weekend, 13-14th Sept 2024.

Friday the weather wasn't too bad so it was off to Reddish Vale Country Park for an hour before lunch at Morrison's.

Great Tit near to the viaduct.

Heron on the top mill pond.

The flasher, catching some ray's

Plenty of Cormorants about preening and drying out

Then off to Morrison's for a nice lunch of Gammon, Egg, chips and peas, very nice too and staff very pleasant.

Plenty of Terrapins on their favourite perch on the top mill pond. 

Saturday it was a day I'd been looking forward to for a while as it was the Steam Punk event at the Portland Basin and The bridge View Café. It had been very good last year and it was even better this year as they had a Ukulele Band with them this year

Chris my mate from next door was there with his usual Tuesday/Thursday singing kit, but didn't bother getting it all out he just joined in singing with the band!.

There were plenty of Steam Punk people in attendance, first I saw was Chris with a couple talking outside and he was getting the lowdown on what it was all about.

This lady with the teapot theme hat and parasol

I think it's a great idea to get people together and chatting.

This couple had a Spanish theme to their outfits.

This was a very dapper couple with his tall top hat

There was this stall of wood turned items for sale, and found out the young lady there was the daughter of Bill the artist., I bought a nice back scratcher the same size as the shoe horn on the far left there.

There were stalls selling items of clothing and Chris bought his Granddaughter a nice leather jacket which no doubt made her day.

That's me in the mirror!.

So it was a nice couple of days, can't say the same for today though as its chucking it down, don't usually go out on Sundays anyway so it's no problem.


I got an odd job man in to help me do some  jobs round the house, I gave him a list of ten things.

He only did 1,3,5,7 and 9,


A lorryload of Tortoises crashed into a trainload of Terrapins.

It was a turtle disaster!.


I took an IQ test.

The results were negative!😂


Thursday 5 September 2024

Out Again!, 5.9.2024.

 Well it finally happened, I got Covid, Saturday the 19th August and then for the next three nights it was bad trying to cough up a lung!, it got slightly better after that until the following Saturday (24th) I finally  got a clear test.  Stayed in on the Sunday and Monday just to be sure and to recover myself.

It's not the best way to lose weight, there again it wasn't much use eating as the food and drink tasted awful!.

Still it's over with now, just glad I'd had all my jabs over the past few years.

Tuesday  (3rd) it was out for the first time to the Bridge CafĂ© with the gang, Friend Jean had the Covid too, but friend  Peter G had missed it being away on one of his coach trips.

So on the Wednesday (4th) it was down to the Vale for the first time in a while, was getting withdrawal symptoms!,  there was a few Herons about.

Flying about to find a good fishing spot.

Fair old wing span on them isn't there, must be about six foot.


Think the squirrels recognise my hat as soon as I get there, they are sat there looking for peanuts. 

Someone had screwed a  little food tray on to the fence for a robin, so filled that but the squirrels soon found it too. 

This female mandarin was sat up in the tree on the upper mill pond
Didn't stay long as it is getting a bit cooler these days, so after a coffee at the Coffee Bean Dream machine it was off to Morrison's for lunch, was getting withdrawal symptoms for the fish and chips there too.

Today (5th) it was off to the bridge café to see friends.

There was a reserved do on there on the day.

And it was the Lady Mayor of Tameside and one of her councillors 

Chris the resident singer was in attendance and today he had a volunteer singer that had been before.  

Another regular group there on the day was the dementia singers, on the right there, they always enjoy Chris and his type of music. 

Passing though.

Chris back home has been clearing his garden of trees that have been getting too big, as you can see this one was starting to push on the fencing. My job was to watch out for cars coming down the road. 

I've finally given up on my Peace Lily in the bedroom, it wasn't doing very well so I've changed it for something else. This one is quite nice and hopefully be in the right place to thrive better.


What is it I think you will be asking?.

 So there you are be up to date and know why it's been a while since I've posted.



Brain cells come and brain cells go, 

But fat cells live forever!.