Friday the weather wasn't too bad so it was off to Reddish Vale Country Park for an hour before lunch at Morrison's.
Great Tit near to the viaduct.
Heron on the top mill pond.
Plenty of Cormorants about preening and drying out
Then off to Morrison's for a nice lunch of Gammon, Egg, chips and peas, very nice too and staff very pleasant.
Plenty of Terrapins on their favourite perch on the top mill pond.
Saturday it was a day I'd been looking forward to for a while as it was the Steam Punk event at the Portland Basin and The bridge View Café. It had been very good last year and it was even better this year as they had a Ukulele Band with them this year
Chris my mate from next door was there with his usual Tuesday/Thursday singing kit, but didn't bother getting it all out he just joined in singing with the band!.
There were plenty of Steam Punk people in attendance, first I saw was Chris with a couple talking outside and he was getting the lowdown on what it was all about.
I think it's a great idea to get people together and chatting.
That's me in the mirror!.
I got an odd job man in to help me do some jobs round the house, I gave him a list of ten things.
He only did 1,3,5,7 and 9,
A lorryload of Tortoises crashed into a trainload of Terrapins.
It was a turtle disaster!.
I took an IQ test.
The results were negative!😂
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