Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Sunday, 11 March 2012


After my trip to Ashton I tried out my lettering skills, as I'm trying to achieve a boat name with the shadow effect, so it was a name in black lettering first and then the coloured lettering over that offset,

Not too bad, but this was done freehand and not quite straight as I was only trying it out!.
I usually use Phil Parker's excellence system of naming his boats on my boats, he published his idea in Model boats magazine a few years ago.

I want to be a bit more ambitious and have it on a curve, Don't think Phil's idea will be as good for that, so there again I might be having it straight after a few  try's!.
The next thing,  whilst at Ellesmere at the weekend saw the chap from Wales who sells the nice bumpers for Narra Boats and bought a couple of them and some chains from SHG stand (and a Motor Mount for the next project) so then it was how to attach the bumpers to the boat,here is my idea.

Nice bumpers and just the right colour hey

I then set about making some shackles from sewing Hooks and Eyes, just turn the eyelets 90% on each end and there you go shackles that just need a pin though to  attach the chain to the boat.
Then it was to Debdale Park with Pepe, tried him off his lead again, which he quite enjoys though have to make sure there are no other dogs about, that he might attack! Joke!
Keep up then old man he seems to be saying.

I have got the Colwyn Bay Model Boat Club diary if anyone wants any dates from that, It would nice to visit whilst on holiday in Wales and have a sail there wouldn't it.
There's not much difference between a toilet seat and an anniversary .Men usually miss them both!.

That's all folk's


  1. for the letters, perhaps try cutting a plasticard curve to the radius you want at the bottom of the letters. You could then sit the letters onto the curve

  2. Will try that idea John, thanks for that!.

  3. How's about the Higgledy Piggledy style?
    For the light hearted look?

  4. Not in this case Bob, but thanks for the idea, keep them coming!.

  5. How about a brass loco type of nameplate?

  6. Nice blog. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Don't think I can do that bob
