Well that's another May done with, its been a bit of a wet one at the end!.
Still it has freshened up the gardens, this is the field of gold at Debdale, the large tree in the centre is the tree that the Ring Necked Parakeets usually nest in.
Took some monkey nuts over to the park this week to see if it would attract the Jays, but all we got were the magpies, still it was fun watching them try to get two in their beak at once.
Probably realized they would all be gone if they didn't get them straight away.
A Nuthatch, bit out of focus.
Acrobatic Squirrel.
Female Blackbird.
Who can resist a Robin?.
Peter G and David.
Outside the male Peregrine was sat on the tall chimney.
I Haven't been able to get a picture of the babies yet, they are still in their box with mother.
The earlier picture taken with by the chap who ringed them last week.
Hope you all have a great weekend over this bank holiday!.
................................................................I was doing some decorating, so I got out my step ladder, I don't get on with my real ladder!.
Man walks into the doctor's
Doctor says "I haven't seen you in a long time", The man replied "I know I've been ill"!.
Chap went private, and doctor said "I'll have you on your feet in no time"
He did, he had to sell his car to pay the bill!.
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