It was down the vale today for the first time in about three weeks, with my car off the road, but back in action today with my new car (new to me that is).
The wildlife were glad to see me I think, they recognise the hat I suppose!.
This one reminded me of the lady in "Home alone" covered in pigeons.
Then it was off to Morrison's to meet my mate Chris for fish and chips.
Then this afternoon my unlucky February kicked in and I fainted in the garden, it must have been too much exercise after three weeks of non at all!.
I did manage to get my hearing aids sorted out this week at Specsavers which will be a relief to the gang instead of saying "What"!! all the time.
Got some nice jazzy car mats this week too, I like a bit of bling!, also got them from Argos with Nectar points so free to me also a dashcam on nectar points too, that's them all gone now, I do love a bargain!
Still off to The Bridge Café tomorrow to meet the gang!.
What do you call a person how dances on cars?,
A Morris dancer!.
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