Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Monday, 3 March 2025

Down the Vale again, 3.3.2025.

Had an hour down the vale today, it was a dull day but I wanted to start back on my exercising again.

Got another picture of this tree again from a better angle, the power of water, river level is still quite high.

Looking like spring is on the way.

Has he got peanuts today?.

Was looking like the resident swans were looking at places for their nest site today.

Collection of tufted ducks on top mill pond.

Male Mandarin duck.

Female Mandarin duck.

Squirrel enjoying a peanut.

Squirrel enjoying a piece of my apple, think it was trying to wedge it there and come back for more.  

This crow showing how quick it could get into a peanut.

Nice blackbird, don't see many about at the moment, or I haven't been there to see them.
So it was then off to Morrison's to meet my mate Chris, but no fish and chips today until my blood pressure is back to normal, perhaps not even then, quite enjoyed the salad for tea tonight, no coffee either, tea from now on!.
I've got to watch myself these days,
it's too exciting watching anyone else!.

The older you get, the longer it takes to get over ta good time.
Need a singer for your Do!.
This guy is the bees knees!.
My mate and next door neighbour.
see him any Tuesday at "Pear Mill Café" or Thursday's at "The bridge café"  Ashton!,