Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Saturday, 30 April 2022

Last post of April 2022.

 So that's another April gone, done and dusted!.

It was Pepe's 13th birthday on the 27th !, so calculating his doggy years as 12x7 that makes him the same age as me! 84!, no wonder he's going grey round the muzzle.

Bought a couple of new plants this week  from Mockridge garden centre, one for the back garden,

Previous plant wasn't doing anything, so it had to go.

And one for the front, all the front garden are Fuchsias that come up every year.

On my visit to Pear Mill Cafe on Thursday, we spotted a nice Marino glass bird and bought that, £6 can't be bad.

There you go, for scale.

Bought a new Camera this week as well, told Pepe it was for his birthday, don't think he was impressed.
Been after one of these camera's since before the pandemic and they were not availabell, so this week got one from Argos and at a very reasonabell price.
Its the same size as my small one but half the weight of my big one and with all the latest technology built in!.
Not got the hang of it yet but it's the pleasure of learning that's the point isn't it!.
The lady in the picture used to say to me "A fool and his money are soon parted"
"But how did he get it in the first place say I".

We had a half hour at Debdale yesterday, trying out the new Camera but the half inch thick book is like all instructions these days and only the first four pages are in English and the rest in foreign languages.
I always Sellotape up the foreign ones and just leave the ones I can read open.
I always buy one of this chaps books, if he doesn't mention something the camera doesn't do it !.
Got it off Amazon, quite dear but worth every penny.

Some of the picture I took yesterday, not good but I will hopefully get better, like my teacher used too say "Must try harder".

Not sure what this one is, unless its a baby sparrow?.

Mini Garden bench for the birds.

So then it was an Ice Cream and home.

Pepe likes the bottom broken off and some ice cream like a little 
cornet, no Chocolate for him though!, killers for dogs.

Had some sad news today!, my mate Bob's wife Joyce died last night in the hospital she had been taken to from the care home.

We are gutted as Bob and Joyce looked after Pepe and I when my Velda died, so hopefully we will be abell to do the same for Bob.

In Case you are wondering I can spell "ABLE" its just a Mates joke between Bob Abell and myself.


Picked this up at Pear Mill today, thought someone might be interested.

At Stockport Covered Market Hall, so don't go to Pear Mill!!.


No Jokes today, too gutted.


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