Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Monday, 3 March 2025

Down the Vale again, 3.3.2025.

Had an hour down the vale today, it was a dull day but I wanted to start back on my exercising again.

Got another picture of this tree again from a better angle, the power of water, river level is still quite high.

Looking like spring is on the way.

Has he got peanuts today?.

Was looking like the resident swans were looking at places for their nest site today.

Collection of tufted ducks on top mill pond.

Male Mandarin duck.

Female Mandarin duck.

Squirrel enjoying a peanut.

Squirrel enjoying a piece of my apple, think it was trying to wedge it there and come back for more.  

This crow showing how quick it could get into a peanut.

Nice blackbird, don't see many about at the moment, or I haven't been there to see them.
So it was then off to Morrison's to meet my mate Chris, but no fish and chips today until my blood pressure is back to normal, perhaps not even then, quite enjoyed the salad for tea tonight, no coffee either, tea from now on!.
I've got to watch myself these days,
it's too exciting watching anyone else!.

The older you get, the longer it takes to get over ta good time.
Need a singer for your Do!.
This guy is the bees knees!.
My mate and next door neighbour.
see him any Tuesday at "Pear Mill Café" or Thursday's at "The bridge café"  Ashton!,

Friday, 28 February 2025

Down the Vale today. 28.2.2025.

 It was down the vale today for the first time in about three weeks, with my car off the road, but back in action today with my new car (new to me that is).

The wildlife were glad to see me I think, they recognise the hat I suppose!.

This one reminded me of the lady in "Home alone" covered in pigeons. 

Some of the damage done during the recent storms. 

Plenty of Mandarins about on the lower mill pond.

Was surprised to see a couple of Terrapins catching a few rays, it was a lovely sunny day, but not that warm.

Plenty of Blue Tits about too, feasting on the seed and fat balls.

Cormorant on lower mill pond.

Plenty of friendly Robins.

Crow with Bourbon biscuit.

Wood pigeon.

Squirrels sharing my apple.

Great Tit 

So a most enjoyable couple of hours, suppose its not having been for a while made it more enjoyable!.

Then it was off to Morrison's to meet my mate Chris for fish and chips.

Then this afternoon my unlucky February kicked in and I fainted in the garden, it must have been too much exercise after three weeks of non at all!.

I did manage to get my hearing aids sorted out this week at Specsavers which will be a relief to the gang instead of saying "What"!! all the time.

Got some nice jazzy car mats this week too, I like a bit of bling!, also got them from Argos with Nectar points so free to me also a dashcam on nectar points too, that's them all gone now, I do love a bargain!

 How is this for a bargain, 3CD box set from the charity shop 30p, yes that's right 30pence!.

Still off to The Bridge Café tomorrow to meet the gang!.


What do you call a person how dances on cars?,

A Morris dancer!.


Monday, 24 February 2025

Good weekend, 21-24.2.2025.

 Been  good weekend, for a change in my luck this month.

Friday got a new car, (New to me that is) it's a 71 Reg!.

The old car was 10 years old and the satnav was broke and was draining the battery so it was off to the electrical guy in Stockport who halved the drain on the battery but couldn't solve the problem as KIA have their own computer system. Whilst there they did a service and M O T and three tyres were border line, so I decided it was time for a change and got this Ford Ecosport, never had a Ford or a Blue car before!.

Desert Island Blue!.

Quite nice to drive and quite nippy, even though it's only a 1Ltr and three cylinders!.

Got some jazzy car mats from Amazon that match the colour very nicely. The rear door hinges sideways instead of up and down, so that solves the problem of me keep walking into it!.

Not driven it much yet, but will get used to it eventually, but first impressions are good!.


We went to The Bridge View Café as it was the yearly visit of the Steam punk people and it was a packed house again, but Claire & Brian reserved our usual table so it wasn't a problem, it was the queuing up to order that was the problem, still the food is always worth the wait.

Here are a few of the pictures I took on the day, some wit ]h my phone and some with my Nikon A1000!.

There was even a few stalls that sold some of the items they seem to like to wear.

          So it was all good clean fun on the day and enjoyed by all.
Sunday stayed in and did some house work and fitted the rear car mats which fitted perfectly!.

Monday it was off to Morrisons with my mate Chris the singer, did my shopping whilst waiting for him to arrive, then we had our usual fish & chips, very nice there!.

Off to Pear Mill tomorrow!, where Chris will be singing.

