Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Monday 14 October 2024

Back again, Monday 14th.10.2024.

Didn't realise its been a month since I last posted, sorry about that folks, will start with the fact that I had my Flu and Covid jabs last Monday and apart from an aching elbow for some reason it wasn't too bad, perhaps the elbow was a bit of arthritis now I'm getting a bit older!.
Been over to Debdale ressers and got mugged by all the pigeons who must have missed me!.
These tree roots Make a nice long perch for the pigeons don't they.

Who needs your bird bath in the garden when the ressers are here. 

The trees are starting to look nice with all the autumn colours now. 

The resident pair of swans.

Canadian goose, feed them by hand now, have to make sure I wash my hands afterwards has their beaks are quite mucky.

Saw this crowd of Chinese on a walk round the park, are there any left back home in China, I heard from my sister that there are thousands in Australia now.

Fancy Pigeon.

Today Monday (14th) went down to Reddish Vale Park and it was quite quiet with not many people about, still that's the way I like it!.

This tree must have been photographed hundreds of time in the past autumns.

This picture is from last week when it was still a bit warmer.

But there are still a few about that haven't gone into hibernation yet, with the mild weather at the moment.

On the lower mill pond.
Pigeons no chance with the crows about.

A selection of ducks out on the day.


Female Tufted duck.

Male Tufted Duck.

The cormorants still around.

On the water.


A beautiful Robin.

Young sparrow.

Coot whispers! have you heard about Ethel?.

Close up of a young Moorhen.

A cheeky Squirrel with his monkey nuts.

Then it was off to Morrison's for lunch the usual Fish and chips,
This is the mini one at £6.50 the main on is £8 but I can only manage the mini one, saw at a garden centre the other day some meal £13.95!.

Back home
I've been keeping mother-in-laws tongues for years now and have some quite big ones all over the house, but noticed the other day one of them has a flower appearing!, that's a first for me!.
This one in the bedroom.

I'd heard they flower sometimes, but my first one, not very impressive are they.
 Well hopefully I will post a bit more often in the future now I've started again.
Was looking for the second moon mentioned in the press, but the weather hasn't helped, still I did manage to get this one of our moon on Friday night, I heard the other one is still too far away too see without a telescope
Some really big craters on this picture aren't there.


This is what it looks like when not using commas!


Sunday 15 September 2024

Good weekend, 13-14th Sept 2024.

Friday the weather wasn't too bad so it was off to Reddish Vale Country Park for an hour before lunch at Morrison's.

Great Tit near to the viaduct.

Heron on the top mill pond.

The flasher, catching some ray's

Plenty of Cormorants about preening and drying out

Then off to Morrison's for a nice lunch of Gammon, Egg, chips and peas, very nice too and staff very pleasant.

Plenty of Terrapins on their favourite perch on the top mill pond. 

Saturday it was a day I'd been looking forward to for a while as it was the Steam Punk event at the Portland Basin and The bridge View Café. It had been very good last year and it was even better this year as they had a Ukulele Band with them this year

Chris my mate from next door was there with his usual Tuesday/Thursday singing kit, but didn't bother getting it all out he just joined in singing with the band!.

There were plenty of Steam Punk people in attendance, first I saw was Chris with a couple talking outside and he was getting the lowdown on what it was all about.

This lady with the teapot theme hat and parasol

I think it's a great idea to get people together and chatting.

This couple had a Spanish theme to their outfits.

This was a very dapper couple with his tall top hat

There was this stall of wood turned items for sale, and found out the young lady there was the daughter of Bill the artist., I bought a nice back scratcher the same size as the shoe horn on the far left there.

There were stalls selling items of clothing and Chris bought his Granddaughter a nice leather jacket which no doubt made her day.

That's me in the mirror!.

So it was a nice couple of days, can't say the same for today though as its chucking it down, don't usually go out on Sundays anyway so it's no problem.


I got an odd job man in to help me do some  jobs round the house, I gave him a list of ten things.

He only did 1,3,5,7 and 9,


A lorryload of Tortoises crashed into a trainload of Terrapins.

It was a turtle disaster!.


I took an IQ test.

The results were negative!😂
