No bird pictures this time folks as I've been bad with norovirus, ( vomiting Bug) so it was stay in and not pass it on, the vomiting soon stopped but it was the debilitating effect for the week after, but I'm all clear and back to normal now, if you can ever call me normal!.
Me and the gang were booked into the Bridge View Café for a Christmas dinner on the Thursday the 12th but I was in no state to go and Claire and Brian at the café kindly put it back to today the 19th, so I turned up to a nice welcome and my two mates were already there at the table, which was laid out with lights and crackers, so I added my battery lights to make it more festive, (I'd arrived with them wrapped round my hat!.
Jean had brought Christmas hats for us all!.
(note my lights on the table.)
The other Peter.
Jean with Café tree.
We had one of the best café meals I've ever had, with plenty of dishes of everything, even parsips!. everything was cooked to perfection with plenty of top-ups of drinks.
We had booked for 2 courses and it was a good job otherwise anything else would have been wasted!.
We were entertained by our good friend Chris and were lucky that his mate David turned up too, so we had a few duets too, both very good singers and been singing together for quite a long time.
We spent the time after dinner with more drink top-ups whilst we opened our presents to each other, and we all did very well to each other and had a whip round and a box of chocs for the staff who had looked after us so well.
One of my favourite presents was one off Jean who had had me a 1000 piece jigsaw made and it was one of my own photographs!, by the same people (Snapfish) who had made my calendars. All the others of my presents were very nice too.
That will be a challenge hey!.
As we got up to leave ( They were going to close) the staff came up and gave us a parcel each.
When I got home to open mine this was what was in it!, assorted sandwiches, pie and sausage roll. In the other box was an assortment of cakes mince pies and cream!.
So that was my tea sorted, will have to have the cakes later, too full now.
So a very good day even if I was biased with not seeing anyone for the past week,. I can only say if you haven't visited the Bridge View Café before make it one of your New Year resolutions to visit, the food is exceptional!.
Joke time!.
When I went to the doctors and said "I think I've got arthritis" he checked me out and said "No, it's the onset of Riga Mortis!.