Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Friday, 14 October 2011

St Annes To-day

On arriving at the hospital I was told yesterday that Velda would be moving to St Annes to-day, not the seaside resort on the Lancashire coast unfortunately but the Hospice in Heald Green, though I think Velda is quite ready for the move, as the people there are all geared up for patients in her condition.
I won't be sorry to be leaving The Christie behind, its been a very traumatic experience over the last 9 weeks there with all the ups and downs of emotions. I must at this point say what a wonderful job the staff there do and to mention just a few there is Staff Nurses Janet, Hilary, Sarah and Samantha on Ward 11 who have had most to do with Velda's care whilst on that ward, there were many more but those names come to mind first.
A big thank you to Chris the Community Link Manager for his work with Velda, I know its these peoples job but some people put more into it than most!. Again a big thank you for your support to me as well.
Unfortunately not one of the success cases but hopefully they learnt something for the next patient  that comes along with Colitis as well as Cancer!.

New reception being built

Oak Road by day

Oak Road by night

So another chapter in this event in our lives begins to-day.


  1. Keeping you both in my thoughts.

  2. Thank you for that, Velda has moved to-day to a hospice, very nice place in Cheshire and the staff are very nice as you would expect working in a hospice
