Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

On the road to recovery.

Since the last blog Velda has moved to another ward, that's 3 in the week she has been at The Christie!
Yesterday afternoon when I got there she was all packed up to go to another ward, talk about a bag lady the only difference was she was packed up in plastic bags instead of a shopping trolley. 
 When I asked about it I was told it was a bigger ward and more nursing staff to manage the pain management she was going to be having. This started with a box shunter thing in one arm and a drip with saline and drugs in the other, she is now a bit like a second-hand dart board, full of holes!
After an hour seeing her settled in to her new ward , (still in her own electric bed  which was ordered for her a few days previously) the staff nurse came up and said she had just had confirmation that she was to have her first chemo session that evening, result, Shock, Terrified and Worried ! 
I went back visiting in the evening she said she was really pain free for the first time in weeks! The Chemo  was administered whilst she was asleep through the shunt in her arm and when I woke her to say goodnight I was leaving, she said she was really worried about the coming Chemo and when I told her it was already happening she couldn't believe it, so anyone reading this its as easy as that.
Anyone wondering why I'm writing all this about Velda, its my way of coping with the situation! 
Try a look at my son's blog  HOPE  and watch the video at the end of it

That brought a tear to your eye didn't it, Now count yourself lucky!.
Will see how things are going after this afternoon's visit, but one things for sure she is getting the best treatment that The Christie can give, and you can't ask for better than that can you!

On the lighter side I was walking down the corridor and everyone was looking and smiling at me and then it dawned on me, I'd just been to the barber's ( my own barber is in hospital) and as I have a trimming on No 2 people must have thought I'd had Chemo! Its not so bad for men is it just look like Phil Mitchell,.
The Chemo Velda is having doesn't make your hair fall out, but wouldn't you know it she wants her hair cut short by the hairdresser there as soon as she can manage it, ( Doris Day style,) Women ! 


  1. Babs and Bryan
    Ihave emailed you but just to say on here -
    Positive news for you at last111

  2. I loved John's post on hope. And I hope things are improving now for Velda. You are in my prayers.

  3. Thank you both for your posts and prayers

  4. You`re doing a great job of looking after Velda, Duckie
    All the best, as always

    Joyce and Bob
