Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my Blog.
My Blog is mostly about my hobbies, ie Model boats, Cross Stitch, Gardening, Days out and about, Lego Technics and Photography you might recognize the hat rather than me. My models and other hobbies can be found in the Tabs at the top below the header picture.
There will also be entries of days out with my camera, weather permitting of course.

Friday 24 September 2010

Windows cut out

Yesterday started to cut out the windows and as a band saw will not cut out holes my mate Bob couldn't help out so it was down to the old fashioned fret saw and craft knife. I remember my father years ago using a fret saw to make pipe racks and such to hang on the wall, The house was full of the stuff ! never thought it would come back to haunt me but there you go, like fashion clothes it all goes full circle.

The first side went quite well and as you can see pretty neat,with the cross bars fitted as well.
And just in case there is anyone out there who as made this model I know that's the wrong side for the front of the boat, its only put there to photograph

I thought I might do a bit of a change from here on and put an insert in the inside of the windows to make them a smoother finish , so out with the plasticard and cut strips just proud of the thickness of the side piece and then sanded down to same thickness

I then decided to make a template of the outer frame and cut all the frames the same size so that they all match 

So far so good will make it a lot easier if it all works out, and all the window frames will be the same size.
Frame to be cut out with template which is the right size as markings on window and then stuck to front of inner lining with Plastic Weld and when dry cut out the openings from the back and finish up to inner lining, clear as mud hey ! it should all come clear in the next blog, The other side frame to cut out yet as well.


  1. Sounds crystal clear to me. Talking of Dads making things I remember mine making eggboxed/latice shelf's for ornaments. Lots of ply strips about 2" deep notched to fit at 90degrees to each other making little boxes. A bit like celebrity squares for nik naks !

  2. An idea for hand rails .... "Split pins" the loop at the end is for passing the handrail through the legs of the pin glued in to a hole in the body.

  3. Would need them with a 3mm hole at the end for the brass rod I've got and do they do them in brass ? good idea though, perhaps you could look out for some for me,about 25 I would need

  4. See blog later blog on handrail supports!
